Friday, July 26, 2013

Monarch Pass

Ah yes, a pattern is occurring. The day before the Hoosier Pass we actually did the Ute Pass. There are just a lot of passes lately. 

So we started off at 7083 feet this morning and climbed to the top of Monarch Pass which is at 11,312 feet. It was basically 25 miles of hard climbing. I started off with Doug, Nick, Hannah, Lydia, and Vant. Eventually it was just me and the 3 guys and then just me and Vant. On mountains you have to take breaks. Snacks are essential to surviving. And so when I was feeling super fatigued I shoved a granola bar down my throat and then kept going. Having a partner to climb with is motivating, and there were also inspiring chalk messages along the way!

The top was pretty cool, and there was this strange gift store at the top that I went into to take a picture of my accomplishment.
And creepy statues.
The top of the mountain was super cold, and we had to take a break in the van while I down poured for awhile. After that we flew down the mountain, and I was amazed at the temperature change. The last 20 miles were super windy, but we made it to Gunnison!

I also got to rock climb and swim at this super awesome recreation center where we showered. I basically got to do all of my favorite things today!

We're off to Montrose tomorrow, and I'm praying for no more mountain passes! I love mountains, but I need a break from biking up them!


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