Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Glorious Ride to Effingham

Today we had an early morning wake up call, and although breakfast was delicious, decaf coffee did not give me the energy I needed to ride so most of our group stopped at a gas station for some good coffee.
I rode with Hannah, Lydia, and Layne, and we had some great girl power pace lining going on. I really enjoyed riding with them because we can ride fast or just ride slow and have some good conversation. We entered Illinois right before first lunch. We sprinted the last mile to lunch. It was wonderful.
In the afternoon we banded together with Eric, Johnny, and Nic to form a pace line known as Team Unisex. We kept a pace of 19 mph for most of the ride!  The last 20 miles of the ride were intense, but having somebody to block the wind makes riding at a high pace so much easier! Once I got to the host I took a nap. It was satisfying. People also went it and got tons of food for dinner. It was epic.
Today was definitely one of my favorite rides. Even though it was 90 miles, it flew by so quickly. We have another 90 tomorrow, and then hopefully some fireworks will occur tomorrow night in Lincoln's home of Springfield, Illinois.

P2C Love


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