After lunch Jason, Vant, and I took off together. I or a flat around mile 50, but we were able to fix it pretty quickly. We rode to mile 76, and second lunch was a blessing. The guys and I got in a picture together before our last quarter of the trip.
It was tough pushing through the next 25 miles, but our dynamic pace line helped us get through. We also reached Colorado today!
I can't believe I've made it here! I've been looking forward for riding through Colorado since the beginning of the trip. It was a euphoric feeling, and the last ten miles breezed on by. We're staying at a new events center in Holyoke, but we're missing the mouse race tomorrow.
Man. That's something I've never seen. We also climbed 1200 feet today. I'm getting ready for these Rockies!
It was a great century day.
tayyloororrr no wonder your day was great! so wish I could be there! ps youre a good writer tooo