Monday, July 15, 2013

Just a Ride to Red Cloud

I had a fantastic ride to Red Cloud today! I rode with Hannah mostly during the morning, and we stopped at Lake Waconda. It made me realize how much I like Kansas.
Matt stopped with us too and did some excellent rock skipping. After riding for several more miles we came across he world's largest ball of twine! It took ten of us holding hands to fit around it.
The rest of the ride to lunch was spectacular. The rolling hills, and the plains made Hannah and I feel like we were in some other country. After lunch the group went to the geographic center of the United States! We had to travel a mile out of the way to get there, but it was totally worth it.
We also had a fake wedding in the mini chapel next to the monument and a dance party of course. After seeing the center of the USA, Nic, Hannah, and cd I took off at record speed. We were cruising along, pulling through the wind, and we hit Nebraska. 
We're not in Kansas anymore! Overall I've had a great time in that state, but I like Nebraska so far. As soon as we got to Red Cloud, we went swimming. We're camping out in the park tonight of this one mile town. It should be grand.

Lots of love from the Midwest 


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