Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Chasing Blue Skies

Today I rode with Rachel, and it was a great ride. There were a few big climbs but nothing like the passes we've been going up the past few days. The mountains looked beautiful with the clouds billowing around them this morning.
Rachel and I pedaled uphill for awhile, but then we went downhill for about 20 miles. Unfortunately there was some cold rain too, and we ended up missing he lunch spot. It didn't matter too much though. We had some snacks and admired the canyon.
I felt like I was traveling on all different types of terrain today. I climbed hills, observed mountains, biked into canyons, and then I ended up on a country road with some rolling hills. Rachel and I stopped to watch some cute sheep in a field.
Rachel and I "won" Bike & Build for the day by making it to Naturita first. I really liked the sign.
Unfortunately there was a flood in the school we were supposed to stay at so we had to bike another 4 miles to Nucla to stay at a high school! There was a massive storm after we arrived, but we all survived. 

I can't wait for Moab! I love you Colorado, but I'm ready to go to Utah!


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