Monday, July 1, 2013

A Stroll to Bedford

Indiana is a pretty flat state which makes biking at a steady pace much easier! This morning I rode with Rachel into Indiana and then with Vant most of the afternoon.
It stormed a little but during the morning, and the thunder scared me on my bike. We got some coffee At a gas station and hung out for awhile. It was relaxing. In the afternoon a group of us saw some mini horses. I was excited.
This is a little better view of them below.
We got to the host at around 3 PM today, and Rachel, Lydia, and I decided to go into town to try to "Donation Magic" some things. We go to grocery stores and pizza places to ask for gift cards and food donations so we can donate more actual money to affordable housing! We got a $10 gift card to a grocery store, and Rachel biked with a pizza back to the church. We got back and played some knock out and had the most excellent dinner. I ate ice cream of course.
We have a short ride of 42 miles tomorrow. It should be great!


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